
Students that are interested in playing percussion in the Mitchell High School Band program start out by participating in marching band. In marching band, students can either play in the battery (snare drum, tenors, bass drums) or the frontline ensemble (mallets, auxiliary, bass, guitar, keyboard). The battery marches with the wind players and color guard and the frontline ensemble is stationary in the front of the field. Information on the auditions for placement for the 2023 Marching Band season can be found at:

2023 Drumline and Frontline Assignments

Snare - *Max Hart, *Ashlyn Reynolds, *Brady Trefz and Londyn Schroeder

Quads - Keean Mimmack and Henry Trefz

Basses - Kaelynn Swanstrom, Katie Payne, Kayden Christenson, Carston Shonely and Gerald Prewett

Frontline Keyboards - Raquel Driedger, Jordyn Wilson, Abbi Schnabel, Amelia Konrad

Frontline Auxiliary - *Reed Renken, Lilian Smith, Matthew Greenway, Leo Eggert, Bon Weeks

*Section Leader