All State Orchestra Auditions

The SDHSAA has just released information regarding the All State Orchestra auditions that will be held on October 10th. If you play a string instrument, you will need to get most of this material from your private instructors. I DO have a list of the prepared etudes (see below). If you play a wind instrument that is in orchestra (flute, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, french horn, baritone, tuba or percussion) and are interested in auditioning this year, please see me for a copy of the prepared etude. You will also need music for “The Cowboys” and “Into the Blue”….I will download these for you. The link to download a copy of the third tune (“The Planets”) is below.

Prepared Etudes

CLICK HERE to download music for “The Planets”. Once the page is opened, look under the "Sheet Music" section and click on "Parts", then click on "27 more" to open the dropdown box with all parts listed. Then click on the down arrow to the left of the part you need to download. This opens up a new page where you will have to wait until the countdown reaches "0" before a link for "Click here to continue your download" will pop up. Once it pops up, click it and the music will appear. Use "control + p" on your keyboard to print the music. 

If you have questions, please reach out. Make sure to have everything you need before summer starts so you are ready in the fall!


Happy Summer


The Jazz Collaboration Project Show 4.17.23 - @The District